Welcome to ISTA AUSTRIA!
You are invited to join this powerful journey with us in Austria!
Spiritual... Sexual... Shamanic... each of these three areas alone carry enormous charge for shadow and misuse of power as well as potential for liberation, freedom, love and joy.
This is a week-long experience that provides essential teachings and experiences around sexuality, emotions and relationships with the masculine and the feminine. It restores to us the kind of education we should all have received to be truly alive and integrated in our bodies.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents have attended the ISTA Level 1 training over the past 10 years and have been radically changed for the better by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious ways of being.
ISTA AUSTRIA is part of a global transformational movement,
participating in the opening of human consciousness to its source as Love and harmoniously integrating with other sentient kingdoms and dimensions.
In particular, ISTA works with Spirituality and Sexuality as two expressions of the life force.
Our vision is a world where humans have a peaceful, delightful, shameless, fearless and loving relationship with their own bodies, sexuality, emotions, hearts, minds and spirit.
ISTA was Founded in 2007 as a non-profit educational organization and is co-operated by a consortium of leaders in Sacred Temple Arts disciplines such as Tantra, Taoism, Sexological Body Workers and Sex Educators.
What started as the Baba Dez World Tour quickly evolved into ISTA, a consortium of leaders representing every continent, to became a vehicle that connects experts from around the World and now operates in 6 continents, and in over 30 countries.
We live at a unique and critical time on earth. At the same time as we are faced with incredible challenges to the survival of the diversity of life and consciousness on our planet we are experiencing an incredible awakening of human potential. Not only are new energies emerging but for the first time in history, the wisdom heritage of all our cultures and traditions is available for integration just as it is most needed.
The vision of ISTA is to expand consciousness and sexuality across the globe. We are a movement that brings a knowledge base and provides resources to everyone, especially practitioners and guides to enhance their skillsets in all aspects of life mastery.
We do this in the form of bringing conferences, events, and trainings to all regions, tapping into the pulse of each culture thereby becoming the thread, or ribbon of intention, connecting these experts around the world. We do this by working with life force energy, the beginning, middle and end of everything. We as humans connect the spirit from above, through our bodies as conduits, to earth below, and in this embodiment of all that is, can experience the essence of universal love.
ISTA is a transmission of the life force, clothed in love and expressing creatively in the world. ISTA is part of a global transformational movement where human consciousness is being opened to its source as love and harmoniously integrating with other sentient kingdoms and dimensions. In particular ISTA works with spirituality and sexuality as two expressions of the life force.
Our vision is a world where humans have a peaceful, delightful, shameless, fearless and loving relationship with their own bodies, sexuality, emotions, hearts, minds and spirit.
ISTA is a modern synthesis of* A spiritual transmission - a satsang of being* A mystery school where the Temple Arts are taught* A new era business & creative community who are networked together globally and sharing resources in innovative ways. ISTA collaborates with many groups, organizations, and communities in many locations around the world. Collaborations include International Goddess Congress, OSHO Communities, Tantra, Meditation, and Yoga Schools, Mystery Schools, Madonna Ministry International, and more.
We implement our vision by generating a living, loving culture amongst ourselves, then propagating this culture and educating others through conferences, trainings and other events around the globe.
Most organizations have a mission statement, a business plan with clear goals, budgets and strategies to achieve them. This will not work with the type of organism ISTA is - or not by itself. To be truly transformative we harmonize Awareness on what we are desiring to achieve, with Presence of who we are.
A simple symbol for this is the word EARTH which has the H or the goal at the end. If we shift it to the beginning we get Heart. Once we are anchored in the heart then we can gently focus outward again and the result is HeartH.
ISTA is a Hearth where the fire of spirit has been lit. This can be uncomfortable for people who are used to living in the prevailing earth culture. They want to know Why we are doing it, What we are doing, Who makes the decisions, How do we measure results and How much will they get paid?
Our answer to this is often simply - we do not know!!
What we do know, is that if we keep building the fire in the hearth then more and more people gather round. And when they do, we share with them about building fire. We integrate the masculine energy of initiating, direction, and focus with the feminine qualities of living in the mystery, building relationships, and flow.
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- Past Trainings in Austria
© 2018